Salaam and St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral bring together Muslim leaders to share their stories and create understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims
Salaam, a non-religious, non-partisan organization that focuses on creating friendships and a mutual understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. Salaam USA has partnered with St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, a place of sanctuary and safety that celebrates diversity, and leaders
in the Muslim community.
Salaam’s Lenten Interfaith Dialogue Series gives non-Muslims an opportunity to interact with Muslims from across the spectrum –conservative to progressive – in order to gain a firsthand understanding of the Muslim – American community
Steve Slocum, Founder and President, Salaam
During the contemplative season of Lent, Salaam and St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral will present a six-week interfaith discussion series featuring key leaders from the Muslim community. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the full spectrum of Muslims, progressive to conservative, enjoy a complimentary community dinner and a lively roundtable discussion.
Registration for any or all of the weekly events is open to the public and available at SalaamUSA.org or http://bit.ly/InterfaithSeries
When: Every Wednesday March 13- April 17 at 6 p.m.- 8:00 p.m
- March 13: A Homophobic Mother’s Journey – Siddika Jessa-Leader, CEO of WiderLens, runs development programs to inspire individuals towards positive and authentic Action by sharing her journey to acceptance of her son’s same sex marriage.
A Queer Muslim’s Story – Kilian Colin, an American Muslim Queer activist, is working days and nights to bring awareness to the Muslim Queer community issues and to help more Muslim Queers to come out without fears of persecution.
- March 20: Israel and Palestine: Getting Through to the Real Issues – Steve Slocum, author of “Why Do They Hate Us?” and founder of Salaam, focuses on creating mutual understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.
- March 27: Islam’s Roots in Social Justice and Today’s Progressive Muslims – Ani Zonneveld, founder of Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV), advocates for egalitarian expressions of Islam, for women’s rights, LGBTQI rights, freedom of expression, and freedom of and from religion or belief by challenging human rights abuses in the name of Islam.
- April 3: Love for All, Hatred for None: Ahmadi Muslims, Islam’s Persecuted Minority – Maaz Salam, is the grandson of Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam, the first Muslim to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in a scientific field.
- April 10: The Women of Conservative Islam: The Real Motivation Behind the Hijab – Tehseen Lazzouni, director and founder of the Islamic Speakers Bureau of San Diego (ISB), provides interactive presentations about Islam and Muslims to San Diegans.
- April 17, Wrap-up, What Have We Learned?
Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 2728 Sixth Ave, San Diego, CA 92103W
COST: All events are Free; a $10 donation appreciated upon sign-up at EventBrite.com/Interfaith Series
WHY: For the opportunity to interact with the full spectrum of Muslims, progressive to conservative, in order to bridge the gap and create friendships between Muslims and non-Muslims.
ABOUT: Salaam is a non-profit organization that focuses on creating mutual understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims. Salaam uses events, community outreach and media to raise awareness of Islam from an unbiased, non-religious, nonpartisan perspective.
Steve Slocum, the founder and president of Salaam, is the author of the new book, “Why Do They Hate Us? Making Peace with the Muslim World” (Top Reads Publishing, June, 2019, http://www.whydotheyhateus.org).
Slocum served five years as a missionary in Kazakhstan and is the founder and executive director of Salaam (http://www.SalaamUSA.org). Slocum is a frequent speaker at churches, conferences, and civic groups.
Additional Quotes:
“Many Americans have never healed from the trauma of 9/11. Others have misconceptions about Islam fed by media coverage of extremists.” -Steve Slocum, Founder & President
“Salaam is a wonderful example of how to embrace our diversity and promote peace and justice in our world.” – Christy Bantugan-Bohan, Founder & Director, Pax Christi San Diego
“In a world full of division, ignorance, and hate, Salaam builds the bridge of peace with education and fellowship as we share our stories and work for the common good.” – Joseph Dirbes, Rector, All Souls’ Episcopal Church, San Diego
“Salaam is the bridge to mutual understanding and respect through education and interaction. Sometimes one does not know where to begin when seeking a broader kinship with those of different backgrounds, Salaam provides the unique experience to close the gap, to bring people together.” – Tama Becker-Varano, Founder & Director, Change Begins with ME