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October 4, 2019 @ 1:30 pm
Interfaith Community Sanctuary
1763 NW 62nd Street Seattle
WA 98107

Tea and Conversation will take place after the Juma prayers and khtubah.

About Steve Slocum:
Steve Slocum, author and peace activist, founded SalaamUSA.org with
the goal of creating friendship between Muslims and non-Muslims.
Motivated by his experience as a missionary in Kazakhstan, Slocum wrote
Why Do They Hate Us? Making Peace with the Muslim World to counter
rampant Islamophobic political rhetoric and give a voice to Islam’s peaceful
mainstream. Through SalaamUSA and his new book, Slocum hopes to
fight the fear, prejudice, and violence surrounding Islamophobia. He is an
ambassador for the Parliament of World Religions and a presenter at the
2018 Parliament in Toronto. He is a frequent keynote speaker and media
expert based in San Diego.

About SalaamUSA.org:
SalaamUSA.org is a non-profit organization that focuses on creating mutual
understanding between Muslims, Christians, Jews and the non-religious.
Salaam uses events, community outreach and media to raise awareness of
Islam from an unbiased, non-religious, nonpartisan perspective.